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Title: Some Fixed Point Results For A Generalized TAC-Suzuki-Berinde Type F-Contractions In b-Metric Space
Authors: Mebawondu, A. A
Izuchukwu, C
Aremu, K. O
Mewomo, O. T
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Applied Mathematics E-Notes
Citation: Mebawondu, A. A., Izuchukwu, C., Aremu, K. O. & Mewomo, O. T. (2019). Some Fixed Point Results For A Generalized TAC-Suzuki-Berinde Type F-Contractions In b-Metric Space. Applied Mathematics E-Notes, 19(2019), 629-653
Series/Report no.: 19;
Abstract: In this paper, we introduce some classes of mappings called the TAC-SuzukiBerinde type F-contraction and TAC-Suzuki-Berinde type rational F-contraction in the frame work of b-metric spaces and prove some Öxed point results for these classes of mappings. As an application, we establish the existence of a solution for the following nonlinear integral equation: x(t) = g(t) + Z b a M(t; s)K(t; x(s))ds; where M : [a; b] [a; b] ! R +; K : [a; b] R ! R and g : [a; b] ! R are continuous functions. Our results improve and extend the corresponding results in the literature.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/466
Appears in Collections:Mathematics

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