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Title: Estimation of total dissolved solid in groundwater using multiple linear regression analysis around Igando dumpsites in Lagos, South-West, Nigeria
Authors: Aduojo, A. A
Ayolabi, E. A
Keywords: Total dissolved solid
linear regression model
Issue Date: 2017
Citation: Aduojo A. A. and Ayolabi, E. A (2017). Estimation of total dissolved solid in groundwater using multiple linear regression analysis around Igando dumpsites in Lagos, South-West, Nigeria. CONFLUENCE JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES. 11(2): pp 47-60.
Series/Report no.: 11;2
Abstract: This study presents a multiple linear regression (MLR) TDS model that relates the TDS data obtained from groundwater samples to the geophysical data obtained from Electromagnetic (EM) data, as an alternative approach to mapping and monitoring the impact of TDS in groundwater. The predictive power of the developed MLR TDS model was appraised to determine the feasibility of using the TDS model to predict groundwater TDS around the study area. Although, the accuracy of the developed TDS model is site specific, the EM data around the area can be applied to the model to determine TDS concentration in groundwater, thus reducing the time and cost of acquiring and monitoring both parameters separately. The utilisation of the proposed MLR TDS model could assist in the implementation of seasonal groundwater quality monitoring programmes around the dumpsites. From the results also, association between TDS and EC and between TDS and N03 are 0.93 and 0.67 respectively, while that between TDS and hardness is 0.81, suggesting common source of contamination around the sites. Generally, there are relatively higher values of the measured physicochemical properties of water around the North-western part of Solous 1, North-western and South-western part of Solous 2, South-western and Southeastern part of Solous 3 dumpsite when compared with other parts investigated. Therefore, groundwater within the study area may have been impacted by the leachates from the decomposed refuse, and boreholes located at positions other than these zones are likely to yield uncontaminated water.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/796
ISSN: 1597-5827
Appears in Collections:Geophysics

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